coinor.blimpy.LinkedList module

Lists Module A basic linked list implementation conforming to the Python list API. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for the built-in list class. Created on Jan 29, 2012

Source code
Lists Module
A basic linked list implementation conforming to the Python list API.
It can be used as a drop-in replacement for the built-in list class.
Created on Jan 29, 2012
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object

__version__    = '1.1.0'
__author__     = 'Ted Ralphs, Aykut Bulut ([email protected], [email protected])'
__license__    = 'BSD'
__maintainer__ = 'Aykut Bulut'
__email__      = '[email protected]'
__url__        = None
__title__      = 'Linked list data structure'

from copy import deepcopy

class Node(object):
    ''' Basic data type that LinkedList will contain
    pre: data that node will contain
    post: Node type object
    def __init__(self, initdata, nextNode = None):
        '''constructor of Node class
        pre: Node class object (self), initial data (initdata)''' = initdata
        self.nextNode = nextNode

    def getData(self):
        ''' class method that returns to data
        pre: self
        post: data of the Node'''

    def getNext(self):
        return self.nextNode

    def setData(self, newdata):
        ''' class method that sets data
        pre: self, new data''' = newdata

    def setNext(self, newnext):
        ''' class method that changes the next Node
        pre: self, new next'''
        self.nextNode = newnext

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Node instance, data:%s, nextNode:%s' %(self.getData(), self.getNext())

    def __str__(self):
        return str(

class LinkedList(object):
    '''implementation of link list data structure.
    The behavior is designed to be the same as a Python list.
    For efficiency when using the list as a stack, the list is stored
    such that the last item in the list is the head node. Thus, the
    append, push, pop, and most other methods are efficient, but
    forward iteration is not. Reverse iteration is efficient, however,
    pre:  Node is the head node of a linked list and length is the length of
          that list
    post: creates a LinkedList type object

    def __init__(self, Node=None, length = 0):
        ''' constructor method of the class
        pre: self'''
        self.head = Node
        self.length = length

    def __contains__(self, item):
        ''' sequential search method
        pre: self, item to be searched
        post: True if list contains the item, False otherwise'''
        current = self.head
        while current != None:
            if current.getData() == item:
                return True
                current = current.getNext()
        return False

    def remove(self, item):
        ''' class method that removes the first occurrence of the given item
        if there is one
        pre: self, item '''
        current = self.head
        previous = None
        found = False
        while not found and current != None:
            if current.getData() == item:
                found = True
                previous = current
                current = current.getNext()

        if not found:
            return False
        elif previous == None:
            self.head = current.getNext()
        self.length -= 1
        return True

    def __delitem__(self, position):
        if self.pop(position) == None:
            raise KeyError("Index out of bounds")

    def insert(self, position, item):
        ''' class method that inserts item to the given position
        pre: self, position, item
        position should not be greater than length of the list'''
        previous = None
        current = self.head
        for i in range(self.length - position):
            previous = current
            current = current.getNext()
        tmp = Node(item, current)
        if previous == None:
            self.head = tmp
        self.length += 1

    def peek(self, index = None):
        ''' class method that retrieves, but does not remove,
        the head (first element) of this list
        pre: self
        post: the data of the head of the list or None if the list is empty'''
        if self.head == None:
            return None
        elif index == None:
            return self.head.getData()
            return self[index]

    def pop(self, index = None):
        ''' class method that removes the item at the given position
        in the list, and returns it. If no index is specified
        removes and returns the last item in the list
        pre: self, position (optional), position should be less than length
        of the list, list should not be empty
        post: return the item at given index or last item if not specified'''
        if (index is not None and
            (index > self.length -1 or index < 0)):
            return None
        previous = None
        current = self.head
        if index == None:
            current = self.head
            self.head = self.head.getNext()
            for i in range(self.length - index - 1):
                previous = current
                current = current.getNext()
            if previous == None:
                self.head = current.getNext()
        self.length -= 1

    def __len__(self):
        ''' class method that returns the number of items in the list
        pre: self
        post: returns number of items in the list'''
        return self.length

    def append(self, item):
        ''' class method that appends the given item at the end of the list
        pre: self, item'''
        current = self.head
        self.head = Node(item)
        self.head.nextNode = current
        self.length += 1

    def extend(self, otherLinkedList):
        ''' class method that extends the list by adding otherLinkedList at the
         end of the self
         pre: self, otherLinkedList'''
        #if self.head==None:
        #    self.head = otherLinkedList.head
        #    return
        #if otherLinkedList.head==None:
        #    return
        for item in otherLinkedList:

    def index(self, item):
        ''' class method that returns the index of the first occurance of
        item, returns None if there is no any item.
        pre: self, item
        post: item index or None'''
        current = self.head
        for index in range(self.length, 0 , -1):
            if current == None:
            if current.getData() == item:
                return index
            current = current.getNext()
        return None

    def count(self, item):
        ''' class method that counts the number of occurances of item
         in the list
        pre: self, item
        post: number of occurances of item in the list'''
        count = 0
        current = self.head
        while current != None:
            if current.getData() == item:
                count += 1
        return count

    def __getitem__ (self, index):
        ''' replace built-in class method that returns the item for the given
        pre: self, index, index should be less than length of list, list
        should not be empty
        post: return item for the given index'''
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            if index.start == None or index.start < 0:
                start = 0
                start = index.start
            if index.stop == None or index.stop > self.length:
                stop = self.length
                stop = index.stop
            current = self.head
            for i in range(self.length - stop):
                current = current.getNext()
            newHead = Node(deepcopy(
            previous = newHead
            for i in range(stop - start -1):
                if current.getNext() == None:
                current = current.getNext()
                previous = previous.getNext()
            return LinkedList(newHead, stop - start)
            current = self.head
            if index < 0:
                if -index > self.length:
                    raise IndexError
                return self[self.length+index]
                i = self.length - 1
                while True:
                    if current == None:
                        raise IndexError
                    if i <= index:
                    current = current.getNext()
                    i -= 1
                return current.getData()

    def __iter__(self):
        ''' built-in class method, makes LinkedList objects iterable
        pre: self
        post: self.head, first Node on the list'''
        return self.forward()

    def __reversed__(self):
        ''' built-in class method, makes LinkedList objects reverse iterable
        pre: self
        post: self.head, first Node on the list'''
        return self.backward()

    def __repr__(self):
        s = ']'
        current = self.head
        while current != None:
            if current.getNext() == None:
                s = '['+str(current.getData())+s
                return s
            s = ', '+str(current.getData())+s
            current = current.getNext()
        return '[]'

    def forward(self):
        for i in range(self.length):
            yield self[i]

    def backward(self):
        current = self.head
        while current != None:
            yield current.getData()
            current = current.getNext()

    def __add__(self, otherLinkedList):
        new_list = self.__class__()
        return new_list

if __name__ == '__main__':
    o = LinkedList()
    for i in range(100):

    for i in reversed(o):
    print(100000 in o)

    o.insert(0, 'a')

    a = o[:50]
    for i in a:
    a = o[50:]
    for i in a:


class LinkedList
implementation of link list data structure.
The behavior is designed to be the same as a Python list.
For efficiency when using the list as a stack, the list is stored
such that the last item in the list is the head node. Thus, the
append, push, pop, and most other methods are efficient, but
forward iteration is not. Reverse iteration is efficient, however,
pre :  Node is the head node of a linked list and length is the length of
that list
post : creates a LinkedList type object
Source code
class LinkedList(object):
    '''implementation of link list data structure.
    The behavior is designed to be the same as a Python list.
    For efficiency when using the list as a stack, the list is stored
    such that the last item in the list is the head node. Thus, the
    append, push, pop, and most other methods are efficient, but
    forward iteration is not. Reverse iteration is efficient, however,
    pre:  Node is the head node of a linked list and length is the length of
          that list
    post: creates a LinkedList type object

    def __init__(self, Node=None, length = 0):
        ''' constructor method of the class
        pre: self'''
        self.head = Node
        self.length = length

    def __contains__(self, item):
        ''' sequential search method
        pre: self, item to be searched
        post: True if list contains the item, False otherwise'''
        current = self.head
        while current != None:
            if current.getData() == item:
                return True
                current = current.getNext()
        return False

    def remove(self, item):
        ''' class method that removes the first occurrence of the given item
        if there is one
        pre: self, item '''
        current = self.head
        previous = None
        found = False
        while not found and current != None:
            if current.getData() == item:
                found = True
                previous = current
                current = current.getNext()

        if not found:
            return False
        elif previous == None:
            self.head = current.getNext()
        self.length -= 1
        return True

    def __delitem__(self, position):
        if self.pop(position) == None:
            raise KeyError("Index out of bounds")

    def insert(self, position, item):
        ''' class method that inserts item to the given position
        pre: self, position, item
        position should not be greater than length of the list'''
        previous = None
        current = self.head
        for i in range(self.length - position):
            previous = current
            current = current.getNext()
        tmp = Node(item, current)
        if previous == None:
            self.head = tmp
        self.length += 1

    def peek(self, index = None):
        ''' class method that retrieves, but does not remove,
        the head (first element) of this list
        pre: self
        post: the data of the head of the list or None if the list is empty'''
        if self.head == None:
            return None
        elif index == None:
            return self.head.getData()
            return self[index]

    def pop(self, index = None):
        ''' class method that removes the item at the given position
        in the list, and returns it. If no index is specified
        removes and returns the last item in the list
        pre: self, position (optional), position should be less than length
        of the list, list should not be empty
        post: return the item at given index or last item if not specified'''
        if (index is not None and
            (index > self.length -1 or index < 0)):
            return None
        previous = None
        current = self.head
        if index == None:
            current = self.head
            self.head = self.head.getNext()
            for i in range(self.length - index - 1):
                previous = current
                current = current.getNext()
            if previous == None:
                self.head = current.getNext()
        self.length -= 1

    def __len__(self):
        ''' class method that returns the number of items in the list
        pre: self
        post: returns number of items in the list'''
        return self.length

    def append(self, item):
        ''' class method that appends the given item at the end of the list
        pre: self, item'''
        current = self.head
        self.head = Node(item)
        self.head.nextNode = current
        self.length += 1

    def extend(self, otherLinkedList):
        ''' class method that extends the list by adding otherLinkedList at the
         end of the self
         pre: self, otherLinkedList'''
        #if self.head==None:
        #    self.head = otherLinkedList.head
        #    return
        #if otherLinkedList.head==None:
        #    return
        for item in otherLinkedList:

    def index(self, item):
        ''' class method that returns the index of the first occurance of
        item, returns None if there is no any item.
        pre: self, item
        post: item index or None'''
        current = self.head
        for index in range(self.length, 0 , -1):
            if current == None:
            if current.getData() == item:
                return index
            current = current.getNext()
        return None

    def count(self, item):
        ''' class method that counts the number of occurances of item
         in the list
        pre: self, item
        post: number of occurances of item in the list'''
        count = 0
        current = self.head
        while current != None:
            if current.getData() == item:
                count += 1
        return count

    def __getitem__ (self, index):
        ''' replace built-in class method that returns the item for the given
        pre: self, index, index should be less than length of list, list
        should not be empty
        post: return item for the given index'''
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            if index.start == None or index.start < 0:
                start = 0
                start = index.start
            if index.stop == None or index.stop > self.length:
                stop = self.length
                stop = index.stop
            current = self.head
            for i in range(self.length - stop):
                current = current.getNext()
            newHead = Node(deepcopy(
            previous = newHead
            for i in range(stop - start -1):
                if current.getNext() == None:
                current = current.getNext()
                previous = previous.getNext()
            return LinkedList(newHead, stop - start)
            current = self.head
            if index < 0:
                if -index > self.length:
                    raise IndexError
                return self[self.length+index]
                i = self.length - 1
                while True:
                    if current == None:
                        raise IndexError
                    if i <= index:
                    current = current.getNext()
                    i -= 1
                return current.getData()

    def __iter__(self):
        ''' built-in class method, makes LinkedList objects iterable
        pre: self
        post: self.head, first Node on the list'''
        return self.forward()

    def __reversed__(self):
        ''' built-in class method, makes LinkedList objects reverse iterable
        pre: self
        post: self.head, first Node on the list'''
        return self.backward()

    def __repr__(self):
        s = ']'
        current = self.head
        while current != None:
            if current.getNext() == None:
                s = '['+str(current.getData())+s
                return s
            s = ', '+str(current.getData())+s
            current = current.getNext()
        return '[]'

    def forward(self):
        for i in range(self.length):
            yield self[i]

    def backward(self):
        current = self.head
        while current != None:
            yield current.getData()
            current = current.getNext()

    def __add__(self, otherLinkedList):
        new_list = self.__class__()
        return new_list


def __init__(self, Node=None, length=0)
constructor method of the class
pre : self
Source code
def __init__(self, Node=None, length = 0):
    ''' constructor method of the class
    pre: self'''
    self.head = Node
    self.length = length
def append(self, item)
class method that appends the given item at the end of the list
pre : self, item
Source code
def append(self, item):
    ''' class method that appends the given item at the end of the list
    pre: self, item'''
    current = self.head
    self.head = Node(item)
    self.head.nextNode = current
    self.length += 1
def backward(self)
Source code
def backward(self):
    current = self.head
    while current != None:
        yield current.getData()
        current = current.getNext()
def count(self, item)
class method that counts the number of occurances of item
in the list
pre : self, item
post : number of occurances of item in the list
Source code
def count(self, item):
    ''' class method that counts the number of occurances of item
     in the list
    pre: self, item
    post: number of occurances of item in the list'''
    count = 0
    current = self.head
    while current != None:
        if current.getData() == item:
            count += 1
    return count
def extend(self, otherLinkedList)
class method that extends the list by adding otherLinkedList at the
end of the self
pre : self, otherLinkedList
Source code
def extend(self, otherLinkedList):
    ''' class method that extends the list by adding otherLinkedList at the
     end of the self
     pre: self, otherLinkedList'''
    #if self.head==None:
    #    self.head = otherLinkedList.head
    #    return
    #if otherLinkedList.head==None:
    #    return
    for item in otherLinkedList:
def forward(self)
Source code
def forward(self):
    for i in range(self.length):
        yield self[i]
def index(self, item)
class method that returns the index of the first occurance of
item, returns None if there is no any item.
pre : self, item
post : item index or None
Source code
def index(self, item):
    ''' class method that returns the index of the first occurance of
    item, returns None if there is no any item.
    pre: self, item
    post: item index or None'''
    current = self.head
    for index in range(self.length, 0 , -1):
        if current == None:
        if current.getData() == item:
            return index
        current = current.getNext()
    return None
def insert(self, position, item)
class method that inserts item to the given position
pre : self, position, item

position should not be greater than length of the list

Source code
def insert(self, position, item):
    ''' class method that inserts item to the given position
    pre: self, position, item
    position should not be greater than length of the list'''
    previous = None
    current = self.head
    for i in range(self.length - position):
        previous = current
        current = current.getNext()
    tmp = Node(item, current)
    if previous == None:
        self.head = tmp
    self.length += 1
def peek(self, index=None)
class method that retrieves, but does not remove,
the head (first element) of this list
pre : self
post : the data of the head of the list or None if the list is empty
Source code
def peek(self, index = None):
    ''' class method that retrieves, but does not remove,
    the head (first element) of this list
    pre: self
    post: the data of the head of the list or None if the list is empty'''
    if self.head == None:
        return None
    elif index == None:
        return self.head.getData()
        return self[index]
def pop(self, index=None)
class method that removes the item at the given position
in the list, and returns it. If no index is specified
removes and returns the last item in the list
pre : self, position (optional), position should be less than length
of the list, list should not be empty
post : return the item at given index or last item if not specified
Source code
def pop(self, index = None):
    ''' class method that removes the item at the given position
    in the list, and returns it. If no index is specified
    removes and returns the last item in the list
    pre: self, position (optional), position should be less than length
    of the list, list should not be empty
    post: return the item at given index or last item if not specified'''
    if (index is not None and
        (index > self.length -1 or index < 0)):
        return None
    previous = None
    current = self.head
    if index == None:
        current = self.head
        self.head = self.head.getNext()
        for i in range(self.length - index - 1):
            previous = current
            current = current.getNext()
        if previous == None:
            self.head = current.getNext()
    self.length -= 1
def remove(self, item)
class method that removes the first occurrence of the given item
if there is one
pre : self, item
Source code
def remove(self, item):
    ''' class method that removes the first occurrence of the given item
    if there is one
    pre: self, item '''
    current = self.head
    previous = None
    found = False
    while not found and current != None:
        if current.getData() == item:
            found = True
            previous = current
            current = current.getNext()

    if not found:
        return False
    elif previous == None:
        self.head = current.getNext()
    self.length -= 1
    return True
class Node
Basic data type that LinkedList will contain
pre : data that node will contain
post : Node type object
Source code
class Node(object):
    ''' Basic data type that LinkedList will contain
    pre: data that node will contain
    post: Node type object
    def __init__(self, initdata, nextNode = None):
        '''constructor of Node class
        pre: Node class object (self), initial data (initdata)''' = initdata
        self.nextNode = nextNode

    def getData(self):
        ''' class method that returns to data
        pre: self
        post: data of the Node'''

    def getNext(self):
        return self.nextNode

    def setData(self, newdata):
        ''' class method that sets data
        pre: self, new data''' = newdata

    def setNext(self, newnext):
        ''' class method that changes the next Node
        pre: self, new next'''
        self.nextNode = newnext

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Node instance, data:%s, nextNode:%s' %(self.getData(), self.getNext())

    def __str__(self):
        return str(


def __init__(self, initdata, nextNode=None)
constructor of Node class
pre : Node class object (self), initial data (initdata)
Source code
def __init__(self, initdata, nextNode = None):
    '''constructor of Node class
    pre: Node class object (self), initial data (initdata)''' = initdata
    self.nextNode = nextNode
def getData(self)
class method that returns to data
pre : self
post : data of the Node
Source code
def getData(self):
    ''' class method that returns to data
    pre: self
    post: data of the Node'''
def getNext(self)
Source code
def getNext(self):
    return self.nextNode
def setData(self, newdata)
class method that sets data
pre : self, new data
Source code
def setData(self, newdata):
    ''' class method that sets data
    pre: self, new data''' = newdata
def setNext(self, newnext)
class method that changes the next Node
pre : self, new next
Source code
def setNext(self, newnext):
    ''' class method that changes the next Node
    pre: self, new next'''
    self.nextNode = newnext